20 Types Of Grass Weeds In Texas

Texas, with its vast landscapes and diverse ecosystems, is home to a myriad of grass weeds that can pose challenges to both residential lawns and agricultural fields. Understanding the different types of grass weeds is crucial for effective weed management strategies. In this article, we will explore 20 types of grass weeds commonly found in Texas, shedding light on their characteristics, habitats, and potential control methods.

20 Types Of Grass Weeds In Texas

1. Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.):

Crabgrass is an annual grass weed with wide, flat stems that often sprawl across the ground.

Habitat: It thrives in sunny, disturbed areas and is a common invader of lawns and gardens.

Control: Pre-emergent herbicides are effective in preventing crabgrass germination.

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2. Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense):

A tall perennial grass with coarse stems and seed heads resembling a turkey foot.

Habitat: Often found in fields and disturbed areas, Johnsongrass is a troublesome weed for crops like corn and cotton.

Control: Combining cultural practices and herbicides is essential for managing Johnsongrass.

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3. Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon):

A drought-tolerant perennial grass with fine-textured blades and aggressive spreading via rhizomes.

Habitat: Common in lawns, pastures, and roadsides, Bermudagrass can quickly take over other vegetation.

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Control: Herbicides and regular mowing can help control Bermudagrass in lawns.

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4. Goosegrass (Eleusine indica):

An annual grass with distinctive flattened stems and a prostrate growth habit.

Habitat: Thrives in compacted soils and is often found in lawns, sports fields, and disturbed areas.

Control: Pre-emergent herbicides and proper lawn maintenance are effective in managing goosegrass.

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5. Nutsedge (Cyperus spp.):

Although not a true grass, nutsedge resembles grass and is known for its triangular stems.

Habitat: Common in poorly drained soils, it competes with desirable grasses in lawns and gardens.

Control: Herbicides targeting nutsedge are available, but proper water management is crucial.

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6. Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea):

A cool-season grass often mistaken for desirable turfgrass, with coarse texture and bunching growth.

Habitat: Thrives in shaded areas and can invade lawns and pastures in Texas.

Control: Herbicides and overseeding with warm-season grasses can help manage tall fescue.

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7. Dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum):

A coarse-textured perennial grass with distinctive seed heads.

Habitat: Common in lawns and pastures, Dallisgrass competes with desirable grasses for resources.

Control: Herbicides and proper lawn care practices are essential for controlling Dallisgrass.

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8. Quackgrass (Elymus repens):

A cool-season perennial grass with creeping rhizomes and broad leaves.

Habitat: Invades lawns, gardens, and agricultural fields.

Control: Herbicides targeting the rhizomes and regular mowing can help manage quackgrass.

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9. Wiregrass (Aristida spp.):

A wiry, tufted perennial grass often found in open areas and disturbed sites.

Habitat: Thrives in sandy soils and can be problematic in rangelands and pastures.

Control: Prescribed burning and herbicides are common methods for wiregrass control.

10. Lovegrass (Eragrostis spp.):

A group of grasses with delicate seed heads and a preference for sandy soils.

Habitat: Common in pastures and disturbed areas, lovegrass can be invasive.

Control: Herbicides and maintaining healthy pastures help control lovegrass.

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11. Crinkleawn (Trachypogon spicatus):

A perennial grass with distinctive crinkled leaves and seed heads.

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Habitat: Found in grasslands and open areas, it can compete with desirable grasses.

Control: Herbicides and proper land management are crucial for crinkleawn control.

12. Texas Bluegrass (Poa arachnifera):

A cool-season grass with blue-green leaves and a bunchgrass growth habit.

Habitat: Thrives in moist areas, but can invade lawns and pastures.

Control: Warm-season grass establishment and proper irrigation help manage Texas bluegrass.

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13. Crowfootgrass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium):

An annual grass with distinctive crowfoot-shaped seed heads.

Habitat: Common in lawns, gardens, and disturbed areas.

Control: Herbicides and proper lawn care practices are effective for crowfootgrass control.

14. Curly Mesquite (Hilaria belangeri):

A perennial grass with curly seed heads, often found in arid regions.

Habitat: Thrives in sandy soils and competes with other grasses in pastures.

Control: Herbicides and rotational grazing help manage curly mesquite.

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15. Guineagrass (Urochloa maxima):

A robust perennial grass with tall seed heads.

Habitat: Common in pastures, Guineagrass can become invasive.

Control: Herbicides and proper pasture management are essential for Guineagrass control.

16. Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare):

A drought-tolerant perennial grass with fine-textured leaves.

Habitat: Common in rangelands, buffelgrass can outcompete native vegetation.

Control: Herbicides and targeted grazing help manage buffelgrass.

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17. Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum):

An invasive annual grass with distinctive bamboo-like stems.

Habitat: Often found in shaded areas and disturbed sites.

Control: Herbicides and manual removal are effective for Japanese stiltgrass.

18. Silver Crabgrass (Digitaria cognata):

A perennial grass with silver-gray leaves and a low growth habit.

Habitat: Common in sandy soils and disturbed areas.

Control: Herbicides targeting the roots and regular mowing help manage silver crabgrass.

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19. Watergrass (Echinochloa spp.):

An annual grass with broad leaves often found in wet areas.

Habitat: Common in rice fields and flooded areas, watergrass can be invasive.

Control: Herbicides and proper water management are essential for watergrass control.

20. Lovinggrass (Eragrostis superba):

A perennial grass with feathery seed heads.

Habitat: Found in open areas and disturbed sites.

Control: Herbicides and maintaining healthy landscapes help control lovinggrass.

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Weeds in Texas Grass:

Texas grass can be infiltrated by various weeds, including common culprits like crabgrass, dallisgrass, and nutsedge. These weeds compete with desirable grass varieties for nutrients and space, often leading to issues in maintaining a lush, healthy lawn.

Common Texas Weeds with Stickers:

Weeds with stickers, such as bur clover, goathead, and puncturevine, are prevalent in Texas. These stickers, or spines, can be painful when stepped on, making them a nuisance in lawns and open areas.

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Four Types of Weeds:

Weeds are generally classified into four types: broadleaf weeds (e.g., dandelions), grassy weeds (e.g., crabgrass), sedges (e.g., nutsedge), and perennial grasses (e.g., johnsongrass). Each type requires specific control methods based on its characteristics and life cycle.

White Flower Weeds in Texas Grass:

Common white-flowered weeds in Texas lawns include chickweed, henbit, and white clover. These weeds can spread rapidly and impact the aesthetics of the grass.

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Common Grass in Texas:

Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) is one of the most common grasses in Texas. It is known for its drought tolerance, fine texture, and aggressive spreading via rhizomes, making it a popular choice for lawns and sports fields.

Common Lawn Grass in Texas:

St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) is a prevalent choice for lawns in Texas. It thrives in the warm climate, exhibits good shade tolerance, and forms a dense, lush turf.

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Weeds That Look Like Grass in Houston:

Grassy weeds that resemble common lawn grass in Houston include dallisgrass and torpedo grass. These weeds can be challenging to control as they closely mimic desirable grass varieties.

Sticky Grass in Texas:

The term “sticky grass” can refer to bur clover (Medicago polymorpha), which has small, sticky burrs that can adhere to clothing and pet fur. It is often found in lawns and open areas in Texas

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Sticky Weeds in Texas:

Sticky weeds like bedstraw (Galium spp.) are common in Texas. These plants produce tiny, sticky hairs on their stems and leaves, causing them to cling to surfaces.

Common Grass in Houston, Texas:

St. Augustinegrass is also a popular choice for lawns in Houston due to its adaptability to the region’s climate. It provides a lush, green carpet in both residential and commercial landscapes.

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Johnson Grass Appearance:

Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) is a tall, perennial grass with coarse stems and seed heads resembling a turkey foot. It often invades fields and disturbed areas, competing with desirable vegetation for resources.


Identifying and understanding the characteristics of these 20 grass weeds in Texas is essential for effective weed management. Combining cultural practices, such as proper lawn care and land management, with targeted herbicide applications, will contribute to maintaining healthy and weed-free landscapes. Regular monitoring and timely intervention are key components of successful weed control strategies in the diverse ecosystems of Texas.

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