12 Types Of ARD Meetings In Texas

In Texas, the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meeting is a crucial process that ensures students with disabilities receive appropriate educational services. These meetings involve parents, educators, and specialists collaborating to make decisions about the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). Texas recognizes various types of ARD meetings, each serving specific purposes to cater to the diverse needs of students with disabilities. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the 12 types of ARD meetings in Texas, shedding light on their significance and procedures.

12 Types Of Ard Meetings In Texas

1. Initial ARD Meeting:

The first ARD meeting occurs when a student is referred for special education services. It involves assessments, evaluations, and discussions about the student’s eligibility for special education.

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2. Annual ARD Meeting:

Held annually, this meeting reviews the student’s progress, adjusts goals, and discusses any necessary modifications to the IEP.

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3. Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) Meeting:

This meeting is conducted when a student with disabilities faces disciplinary actions. The team determines if the behavior is related to the disability and if additional support or modifications are needed.

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4. Transfer ARD Meeting:

When a student with an existing IEP transfers from one school district to another within Texas, a transfer ARD meeting is convened to ensure continuity of services.

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5. Reevaluation ARD Meeting:

Periodically, students undergo reevaluation to assess their ongoing eligibility for special education services. The reevaluation ARD meeting discusses assessment results and determines the student’s continued eligibility.

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6. Dismissal ARD Meeting:

If a student’s progress indicates they no longer require special education services, a dismissal ARD meeting is held to discuss exiting the student from special education programs.

7. Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Meeting:

FBA meetings are convened to analyze challenging behaviors exhibited by a student. Specialists conduct assessments and develop strategies to address these behaviors effectively.

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8. Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) Meeting:

Based on the FBA, the BIP meeting outlines specific interventions and strategies to address and improve a student’s behavior, fostering a conducive learning environment.

9. Extended School Year (ESY) ARD Meeting:

ESY meetings are conducted to determine if a student requires specialized services during school breaks to prevent substantial regression of acquired skills.

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10. Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) ARD Meeting:

Parents can request an IEE if they disagree with the school’s evaluation. The IEE ARD meeting involves discussing the results of the independent evaluation and their implications for the student’s educational plan.

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11. Secondary Transition ARD Meeting:

This meeting focuses on preparing students for post-secondary life. It discusses goals related to education, employment, and independent living skills, ensuring a smooth transition to adulthood.

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12. Due Process Hearing ARD Meeting:

In cases of unresolved disputes between parents and the school district, a due process hearing is initiated. The meeting involves a formal legal process where an impartial hearing officer makes decisions regarding the student’s education.

What is an ARD meeting in Texas?

An ARD meeting in Texas refers to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal meeting. It is a formal gathering involving parents, educators, specialists, and, sometimes, the student. The purpose is to develop, review, or revise a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), ensuring appropriate education services for students with disabilities.

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Is ARD a Texas term?

Yes, ARD is a term specific to Texas and is used to describe meetings related to special education services within the state’s education system.

Can ARD meetings be recorded in Texas?

Yes, ARD meetings can be recorded in Texas, but it is essential to follow the state and school district policies regarding recording meetings.

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What is a transfer ARD in Texas?

A transfer ARD in Texas is a meeting held when a student with an existing IEP transfers from one school district to another within the state. This meeting ensures the continuity of special education services and the appropriate placement of the student in the new school.

What does an ARD facilitator do in Texas?

An ARD facilitator in Texas guides the ARD meeting process, ensuring that it is conducted according to regulations. They help maintain focus, encourage collaboration, and assist in reaching agreements during the meeting.

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What is the confidentiality statement for ARD in Texas?

The confidentiality statement for ARD meetings in Texas emphasizes that all discussions, evaluations, and decisions made during the meeting are confidential and cannot be disclosed without proper authorization, protecting the privacy of the student and their family.

Who are the required members of an ARD team in Texas?

In Texas, the required members of an ARD team typically include parents or guardians, general education teacher, special education teacher, a representative from the school district, an individual who can interpret evaluation results, and, when appropriate, the student.

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What is the full form of ARD?

ARD stands for Admission, Review, and Dismissal.

What is the full form and meaning of ARD?

The full form of ARD is Admission, Review, and Dismissal. It represents the process and meetings involved in the special education services for students with disabilities in Texas.

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Who can request an ARD meeting in Texas?

In Texas, parents, guardians, educators, or any member of the ARD team can request an ARD meeting if there are concerns about a student’s special education services or if a review of the IEP is deemed necessary.

Does Texas have IEP?

Yes, Texas follows the federal mandate and has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in place for students with disabilities. The IEP outlines the educational program and related services tailored to meet the individual needs of a student with a disability.

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What is the IEP law in Texas?

The IEP law in Texas aligns with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This law ensures that eligible students with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) tailored to their unique needs through the development and implementation of an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

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Understanding the various types of ARD meetings in Texas is vital for parents, educators, and specialists involved in the education of students with disabilities. Each meeting serves a unique purpose, ensuring that students receive tailored support, appropriate interventions, and a conducive learning environment. By comprehensively addressing the diverse needs of students through these ARD meetings, Texas demonstrates its commitment to inclusive education and the holistic development of every student.

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